The History Drawing
- spend an hour sketching an interesting composition with the following objects, 2 paper models which we made last week aswell as 1 man made, 1 reflective and 2 natural objects.
- change the angle and draw over the top of the orgional
- follow this process afew more times removing or adding layers to make it clear which drawing is which.
The purpose of this method was to
get something ordinary and turn it extroadinary. By this I am describing the process in which we draw a simple observational sketch of the objects but then develop and involve it into the unknown. I am a very controlled and neat sketcher and therefore found this very challenging. I could not plan the composition or have a final idea in mind as we were only told a limited amount of instructions throughout the day. I also found that after spending an hour drawing I was not keen on drawing on top of it! By the end of the day I had thoroughly enjoyed the excercise and was very pleased with my final outcome. Ways in which I could have made each skecth stand out include:
- tone-softer pencil
- different media
- draw with different character
- patch areas
- rub out
- destroy surface
- layer transparent (tracing paper)
Whilst it still retains afew aspects of my drawing in terms of neat and tonal lines but also explores different viewpoints completly changing the viewrs persepective. I wanted to keep my materials basic and therefore only used tonal values of a pencil to distinguis between drawings. When I personally thought my drawing was complete to an extent, my tutor came round and we discuseed positive and negative areas. We agreed that the scissors work very well whereas the wood on the opposing side isnt as effective. My tutor suggested trying to find a way to add another layer of drawing by repeating the scissors. As I didnt want to ruin thr original I decided to lay a piece of tracing paper over the top and use black fine liner to create a scissor effect snaking around the paper. The final piece is perfect as I can either layer the tracing paper on top and create a layered effect or I could even count them as two separate works as both are effective on their own aswell. Reviweing everyones at the end really helped as I could see how other people interpretted the instructions differently. I noticed that everyone's were very personal and unique and in the majority you could see a glimpse into what field a student studys, some had architecture aspects and others had a graphic style.
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