Thursday, 28 October 2010

Day 34: Print Workshop

 I really enjoyed the process, making and final outcomes of today. I found that whilst I enjoyed printing with basic stencils and trying different techniques, I preferred experimenting to brush stroke and different marks to make a range of surface patterns.
 This is a picture of afew final pieces which were displayed for the open day. I am pleased with the overall look and found that as I had used a restricted colour palette all my pieces worked well next to each other. Whilst studying others artwork I noticed that colour could be used in a strong and vibrant way aswell as subtle mix giving the print a different tone.
 Above is a print I made using a metal sheet which I then layered ink onto and worked into using a range of mark making techniques. To create different effects I used stencils, cardboard pieces, brushes and other tools. By using the printing press I was able to produce this on a large scale which meant I could really use alot of detail.
 Above is a photo of another print I made. This is one of my favourites as it is a simple process but what is made is very beautiful. By splashing water onto the piece of metal covered in ink I was able to produce a spontaneous print.
I created this print by simply putting through a thin piece of bubble wrap on the printing press. The first print I used too much ink and therefore did not produce much detail but the next few showed all the detail of the bubble wrap popping which is very intricate and detailed.

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