Friday, 18 March 2011

Day 96: Fashion Sketches

Taking inspiration from the locations, oskar schlemmer and the original barbie fashion I have produced a range of skecthes exploring initial ideas for costumes for the modern day Bauhaus Barbie.

Based on the location of a field of daffodils.

Based on a boat yard.

Based on the original swimsuit for Barbie and shapes of Oskar Schlemmer.

The sketches are only initial ideas but I am cautious as to the limited time I have, so whilst designing I am also considering the materials as to which can be easily sourced and made into a fashion statement. I find these designs striking but yet at the same time a theme of barbie dress up is occurring, maybe due to the model I have sketched on!
I hope to be able to showcase the costumes aswell but for me personally, my focus is on the photographs and the impact they will have when all the factors come together.

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