Viviane Schwars (Illustration) and Oliver Sutherland (Film)
This lecture was really nice in terms of atmosphere as they studied at Falmouth University so they were speaking from experience andI felt like I could relate to both of them.
Only two things can describe this artist, illustration and cats!
I found it inspiring that she had a dream to become an illustrator and loved cats and has been able to turn that into a job for herself, as she now writes and illustrates children's books. In terms of illustration I have never been interested in it myself and don't see it as a path I want to pursue. I also found it interesting that she commented how she works using all types of media such as drawing, making and digital. This just shows the wide variety which is needed to research deeper and develop an idea in many forms of communication.
A quote which I really appreciate was about the Foundation course at Falmouth, 'Its about the experience rather than the work', as I get really wrapped up in the work and ned to learn just to take a step back and enjoy the year, mkaing the most of the resources and variety of skills I am learning.
Oliver had his entire education set out in terms of what he wanted to study and where, then later on, found that he didn't enjoy it and was able to transfer to Falmouth in his 2nd year from The Slade in London.
My favourite pieces by Oliver are an installation using cassette tapes(right), a room with 'the world's strongest magnet' and his ironic response to Christmas lights! I like the conceptual ideas behind his work as he found the worlds strongest magnet in the room was not as powerful as the sign on the door which made people curious, 'beware'. Another ironic piece is his iceberg installation (above) as it was a response to the nature where people want it to snow at Christmas, but put up fairy lights which look like snow instead, which therefore is using more electricity and on a large scale stopping the snow due to global warming!
Below is the link to Oliver's Website and blog:
Oliver Sutherland Blog
Oliver Sutherland Website
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