The nature of celebrity artists has changed but its something people have always been keen on.
Andy Warhol
- 'the day will come when everyone will be famous for 15 minutes' and 'art is anything you can get away with'
- amazed by horrific car accidents- person wouldn't be well known before accident but then they are printed all over newspapers, wouldn't publish those pictures in newspapers today
- underground art- associated with sprayed bananas in Berlin
- Elvis prints- one darker than other, fading away of something, dilated represents fading of celebrity
- interest in human culture
- 'pink panther'- married to porn star so reflected in his work
- 'balloon dog'- cast porcelain 1995, stainless steel one in Chateau de Versailles 2008 and other in street 1999
- michael jackson and bubbles 1998- celebrity in Koons' time
- popeye series- lobster reference to Dali
- photographed by Mary McCartney as Frida Kahlo
- her tent caught the celebrity glimpse but unmade bed seeked celebrity status
- 'dont try to sell me your fucking fear' news beign so negative
- quilting and stitching- nuns stitch to stop masturbating- she does it to keep herself out of trouble
- wants to make new things- wouldnt remake tent for millions as needs to move on
- 'art saves me, its my saviour in many ways'
- Walk Disney concert hall- Frank Gehry in LA and Walt Disney Offices in California
- won turner prize- uses old Grecian vase but with contemporary pictures
- 'the digital generation need to have a go at something messy and difficult'
- leading designer in rock fashion
- first clothes shop, called SEX, attracted attention
- platform shows autumn- Naomi Campbell fell over in
- 'chaos point' collection featured insects and plants painted by 7 year olds (2010)
- inspiration from everything- magpie
- categorised by avant garde but in order to see the future you have to understand history
- Juicy Salif 1984- conceptual/installation
- about styling rather than function
- designs things to talk about and get noticed, evokes a discussion and interaction
- markets his own products
- a blade less fan- balloon video
- fine artists, coneptual/ installation
- strong political activist
- 100 million hand crafted porcelain sunflower seeds
- commentry on the place of the individual an the masses
- porcelain bubbles, 2008
- fist chinese artists to make headlines in England and first at Tate Modern
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